
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Individual Clients

To add a new individual client to the Loan Performer database, you first have to enter the clients basic data in the fields provided on the Individual Clients screen and then enter the client's detailed information under the following tabs:

The information could be obtained either directly from the client, or transferred from the individual client Data-Entry Form.

How to register individual clients

To register individual clients you go to Clients->Individual Clients and a screen like the one below shows up:

Note that you can also access the Clients menu by pressing Ctrl + I". and that the yellow fields in Loan Performer are compulsory. So you cannot save the client details without entering this information.

Note that Individual clients in Loan Performer are registered one at a time unless they are just imported under menu Client/Import Client Data/Importation of Individual Clients.

If a client opens a joint savings account (an individual account with a co-holder) at your organization, this account should be in the names of only one person. E.g., Mr. and Mrs. Smith want to have a joint account. One of them should be entered as a client - account holder, the other should be indicated as a co-account holder on the Savings details page.

After entering client's information, press the Save button. The Registration Fees screen will be displayed:

Please note that at data entry you will only be able to enter the amounts equal or higher than the ones that are set at Configuration. If you do not charge any fees at registration, just leave the amounts at zero. For zero amounts there will be no bookings made to the corresponding General Ledgers.

Click on the Save button to complete the client registration or on the Close button to exit without saving.

Please note that if you press the Close command button you will cancel all the client's data previously entered on the Individual Clients screen.

How to modify/delete the individual clients' data

To delete/modify the individual clients you go to Clients/Individual Clients and a screen like the one below shows up:

Click on the Retrieve command button and from the displayed window search and click on the name that you want to delete/ modify. The variables for the selected client will be displayed in the in the individual client text boxes. .

To modify the client details make the necessary changes and click on the Update button. To delete the client from the database click on the Delete button and repeat this for all clients that you need to delete\modify.

Note that it is not possible to delete a client, who had paid registration fees! You can only end the client's registration on the Other details page. Such client will no longer be considered as your current (active) client in the reports, and you will not be able to enter a loan application for him/her after the end of the registration.

Click on the Cancelbutton to exit.

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